Mediterranean food

Mediterranean cuisine is exceptional because of its regional variations, its range of ingredients and its flexibility, which is a result of constant influence different nations had on each other. Some people claim it is one of the worlds healthiest, even calling it a diet. The most raised animals are sheep and goats, due to the fact that most of the terrain in these parts is perfect for these animals. Fish and seafood dishes are also widely spread and very popular, although the fish is mostly imported because the fisheries here are very flimsy. Olive oil and garlic are the most popular spices, and grilled meat, falafel, hummus and pita bread are most known it the eastern parts. Visit thebest restaurants in Toronto

The Mediterranean can be divided into three culinary regions: South Europe(Italy, Spain France) which is best recognizable for its wines and herbs, North Africa(Morocco) which are flavored by spices, and eastern Mediterranean(Egypt, Greece, Turkey, Syria, Israel).

The climate and terrain are very similar all over the region, so we have hot and dry summers, and moderate and cool winters. The soil is therefore dry, and the light clear. The landscape has a softened outline of green because of the protective dusting plants have, and of course the blue colors from the sever bright waters and the sky above.

The food here is mixed with great hospitality, which can some be a bit steep, flavors are robust and clear, without any complicated sauces. Home cooking is dominant. Vegetables have a more distinct role thanks to the fertile land affected by a moderate climate. Some of the most popular vegetables here are tomatoes, onions, eggplants, peppers, mushrooms, cucumbers, artichokes, and some legumes like lentils, and more exotic ones like chickpeas, fava beans form Egypt. Vegetables include rosemary, mint, dill, oregano, basil and others.

Even though the sea is highly polluted and fished-out, seafood still remains the heart of the cooking tradition here. Shellfish can be found in soups, stews and pastas, fresh or cured anchovies, white-meat fish like sole, flounder and grouper are widely consumed in the entire region. Swordfish, monkfish, eel, cuttlefish, octopus and squids are also served. But most meat is provided by smaller animals like lamb, rabbits, fowls, pork, and sheep and goats also give milk for making cheeses and yogurts. Beef is very rare because the land is not suitable for raising these animals.
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